Maintain Safety and Compliance
FLIR Solutions for 2023 NFPA 70B Standards
Keeping You Safe with Thermal Inspections
Protecting electrical maintenance pros is a high priority for the National Fire Protection Association: that's why 2023 NFPA 70B mandates thermal inspections every six months for critical electrical equipment that could endanger personnel.
As the world leader in infrared thermography, Teledyne FLIR offers the total solution for meeting NFPA standards, maintaining safety, and avoiding any potential liability. From professional thermal cameras to reporting/routing software, training, and expert advice, we'll help ensure a successful thermography program.
From Recommended to Required: How FLIR Can Help You Meet NFPA 70B
FLIR T560 with FlexViewTM Lens Bundle
Your top choice for effective, indoor thermal inspections, offering brilliant 640 × 480 (307,000 pixels) imaging. Bundled with a 42° lens, a FLIR DM286 Industrial Imaging Multimeter, FLIR Thermal Studio Pro software with the Route Creator Plug-in, and an Infrared Training Center Level I thermography course.
3 Key Takeaways
The updated guidance outlines specific steps inspection programs must follow, including those governing the use of thermography to identify temperature differences, known as “Delta T” or ΔT.
To meet 2023 regulations: